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Shana McIver

Senior Director of Learning & Practice
Learning Heroes

Shana McIver, Senior Director of Learning and Practice for Learning Heroes, brings to the team close to twenty-five years of diverse experience in the education sector. Her expertise spans human services, community engagement and pre-K-12 education. Previously serving as the Family Engagement Director at Baltimore City Public Schools, she has led numerous initiatives to strengthen community education. Her milestones include spearheading the development of the district’s inaugural Community School policy and leading the overhaul of City Schools’ Title I family engagement strategy to better engage the district’s most vulnerable families. This redesign ensured a culturally sensitive approach to support children’s education and partner with families. Shana established key community collaborations to support family summer learning activities for over 24,000 families. Currently, she continues her outreach as the Education Development Committee co-chair of the Baltimore Metropolitan Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta where she is still positively impacting Baltimore’s most impoverished communities.