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Katie Harrison

ESL Instructional Specialist
Pelham City School

Katie Harrison has been an educator for 22 years, primarily serving multilingual learners and their families for 15 years.  She has served as a teacher, ESL specialist, instructional coach, and family and community liaison.  She currently serves as an Instructional Specialist for K-12 ESL and Family and Community Outreach for the Pelham City Schools in Pelham, AL.   She has presented at state, regional, and national conferences, has served as a consultant to nearby school districts, and serves as an advocate for multilingual families across the region.  She has recently been elected to serve as a board member for AMTESOL.

Pelham City Schools is a small suburban district whose multilingual learners comprise 30% of the student population. PCS ranks as one of the top five most diverse districts in the state of Alabama.