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Janis Bellon

Secondary EL Coordinator
Hamilton County ESC

Janis Bellon is a TESOL educator with 18 years of experience dedicated to empowering English Learners to succeed. Throughout her career in Texas and Ohio, she has worked with a wildly (and wonderfully!) diverse range of students, uniting them with a single goal: creating opportunities for every student to experience success. In her current role as an Ohio certified administrator and education consultant with Hamilton County ESC, Bellon utilizes her expertise in various areas, focusing on best practices within culturally responsive instruction, assisting districts in maintaining federal and state compliance, and coaching teachers in using best classroom practices. Bellon also brings a unique perspective from her experience teaching the Princeton Parent Academy over the past year. Interacting with Princeton multilingual families has been an experience and education of a lifetime, where all participants work to create opportunities for equitable input amongst Princeton’s community stakeholders.